M2 Lactation Club Goodies For Breastfeeding Moms

M2 Lactation Club Goodies For Breastfeeding Moms

Delicious breastfeeding diet for pregnant and nursing moms.

Breastfeeding can be beneficial and rewarding for both mothers and babies, but at the same time entails a lot of hard work and can be a bit tedious. Based on my experience, breastfeeding is not a walk in the park. I've breastfed my twin boys until they reached 3 years of age and currently breastfeeding my youngest which is one year old. It was never easy and will never be. I admired my fellow moms especially those who are exclusively breastfeeding their kids. In order for us moms to keep quality breast milk supply sufficient, it is essential to always stay hydrated because breastfeeding can make us nursing mothers really thirsty. This means that nursing mothers need to be sipping liquids most of the day. We were even advised to always eat with soup to supply the needs to produce more milk. But most important of all, the health and nutritional state of the mom must always be at the optimum to make sure quality milk is being produced for her baby. Although water is good, it can get a bit dull as well as lacking nutritional value and content.

In 2011, NatureEarth has introduced M2 concentrate tea drink. I discovered this yummy drink when I was still breastfeeding my twin boys. I even wrote about it here. M2 Concentrate Tea Drink has malunggay, okra and ginger as its main ingredients, it is packed with powerful nutrients, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, potassium, calcium and has been proven to significantly improve the amount of milk of nursing mothers. It is, by far, the best and most convenient diet for breastfeeding mothers, which are important for a baby’s growth. Malunggay, okra, and ginger are also low-calorie vegetables that are excellent sources of calcium and healthy antioxidants, important for both mothers and their babies. 

M2 Lactation Club Goodies For Breastfeeding Moms

TIP: Squeeze it with lemon, calamansi or dalandan and add ice cubes to enjoy!

It is a known fact that malunggay is a good enhancer of breastmilk. And to further support this claim, a case study research was conducted by NatureEarth wherein twelve moms ages 18 to 33 years old with babies ages 2 weeks to 2 months old were asked to participate. Half of them were asked to drink one glass of M2 concentrate tea drink daily, while the other half were asked to drink 2 glasses. After a month of regularly drinking M2 concentrate drink, the 6 mothers who drank 2 glasses daily claimed they produced more breast milk. While the other 6 who drank only a glass did not notice any changes in the quantity of their breast milk.

On the second month, all mothers claimed to have an increased amount of milk being produced, including the ones who only drank a glass daily.

Then on the third month of continuously drinking M2 concentrate drink, everyone noticed that they felt better because no one got sick during the three-month period and there was an ease in bowel movement. Some mothers even claimed that their skin became smoother. M2 Concentrated Tea Drink is available at M2 Lactation Club.

M2 Lactation Club Goodies For Breastfeeding Moms

You can also avail these plain and BBQ flavored Kamote Chips from M2 Lactation Club!

Isn't it amazing to know that mothers have a partner in their breastfeeding journey? I can guarantee that this tea drink helps boost my breastmilk supply. This drink is also good and healthy for your kids! Try it and they will definitely love it!

For more information about the product and other updates, please follow their Facebook page, M2LactationClub.  This cool and refreshing tea is available in all Robinsons Supermarkets and Andoks Litson Manok stalls.

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