Our Very Own Money Challenge

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Yay! So last year I refused to do the 52 Weekly Challenge just because it will be impossible for us to finish it with all our expenses. Now that the Twin's Baptismal and 1st Birthday are done we can finally start our very own money challenge.

Last year we already had our milk cans that we are depositing any 10 peso coin that we had and we earned an amount that we added for the Twins' Baptismal last December. It's not really that much but it's really good to know that we can still save even if we are on a financial crisis. Aside from that, we also joined paluwagan in our neighborhood that we used last January for the Twins First Birthday.

For the 1st challenge, I will do the Envelope Budgeting System of Dave Ramsey. I already had a lot of used envelopes from Meralco, Insurance, Postpaid bills. There I put all my receipts for paid bills. I've used this before when I was single but didn't succeed Ha Ha Ha. I kept on cheating and cheating on my envelopes once the budget money is  gone for a specific bill. I kept telling myself that I will replace it but not. Ha Ha Ha. Those were the days. But this time we really need to stick to it. I am doing my own version of DIY Envelope System, a simpler one.

DIY Envelope System

The next challenge is for my partner. We already did this last year and will continue to do so until December. We still had the milk cans for all the 10 peso coins. All our 10 peso coin shouldn't be spent and should go to the can.

Finally, I am going to open 2 BDO Junior Savers Account for my twins. We will deposit at-least Php100 every payday. In that way it will not be hard to get it from our monthly allowances. They said its best to start them early. But honestly, I'm just talking to myself Ha Ha Ha. Well its already an achievement that I didn't go shopping for almost 2 months now! I can't stop the quick eat outs just yet.

In our situation now, every cents counts. It's a matter of discipline and sacrifice.

We already started the 1st and 2nd challenge and just this week I already have the twins' passbook. I hope it works! I'll update you all. ;)

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